My First HP Birdhouse!

My First HP Birdhouse!
I finally did it - made a birdhouse with my HP roses on it! I've put it for sale on ebay and etsy. I was so scared to show my roses publicly but hey, I'm courageous and have absolutely no inhibition doing it IF I let people know it's my first attempt at painting roses publicly. I'm not famous YET!! But I would never be considered as "faint-of-heart." Wish me luck, chickadees!! If not, it'll be a present to my daughter. Sigh..................

Tasha & Tags

Tasha & Tags
This is Miss Tash, my new scrapping buddy! Isn't she a doll? And look at her t-shirt- it even has roses on it. My kinda gal, for sure. She is in my ward at church. She has 10 brothers and sisters. Her mom says she likes to come over not only to make tags, ornaments and birdhouses, but because she isn't disturbed by her other brothers and sisters. What a sweetie! Yep, she is as sweet as that face. :-) But yesterday she made a tag for her sister who is having a baby in a couple of months and it's a boy. She is very considerate of her siblings. But we have a good time together and her mom trusts...

Seven Things About Me!

Seven Things About Me!
Isn't this little message board cute? I just listed it on my ebay and it comes with ephemera! A good deal for someone.~*~I've been tagged by Celeste to tell you some deep dark secrets!! Hah. No, I'm just to tell you 7 things that no one knows about me. Hmmmm..... there are a lot of things that I could tell you.1. I have lived in many states: Texas, Virginia, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Arizona, Utah (for a short time while Jack was in the USMC and overseas), Idaho and California.2. I can memorize phone numbers easily and license plates. I know most of my friends by their license...

My Heart is So Humbled Tonight!

My Heart is So Humbled Tonight!
My heart is so very full today from what I received in the mail - an unexpected "surprise" gift from someone. It's always astonishing to me the gifts I receive. I never ever expect any but I am so blessed to have been given so many things unexpectedly. This is from a lady who I've been helping with her computer. She is a delightful woman and we communicate via instant messaging frequently. But when I got my mail today and saw this I was thunderstruck! What an adorable little house!! She said it is from an aunt of hers and every time she looked at it she was reminded of ME. Can you imagine?! I...

Looks Like a New Chair!

Looks Like a New Chair!
I've had this chair for 25 years - actually it one of a pair of chairs that I've had recovered twice. They are high end chairs and stuffed with down. I have fought to keep the down stuffing in it when the upholstery people wanted to put in foam and fiberfil. NOT!! I love the cushiness of the feathers. First it was a pink/burgundy diamond print, then it was a gorgeous black with pink roses embroidery fabric (gorgeous!), now it is a kilim print with a sage background and shades of lavender and pink IF you look closely. The chairs originally cost $1,100 each and the first reupholstery cost pretty...

The Incredible Lightness of My Garbage Can........

The Incredible Lightness of My Garbage Can........
If there was ever any doubt as to whether I'm funny, witty, humorous OR zany, this will disprove and dispel any doubt to those vicious rumors. Musings on a saturday afternoon...............while washing my garbage can.............and thinking back..................oh, well................Years ago while Jack and I were taking private french language lessons we went to a french speaking movie in Berkeley, Ca., to get the "flavor" of the language. I probably didn't understand a bit of it and who DOES(?!) when you are so busy reading the sub-titles, anyway. But we were into our "hippy" stage or as...

An Afternoon with Tasha

An Afternoon with Tasha
Today a young lady friend came over. She's in my church ward. The other day she and her mother came over to deliver some gorgeous roses from their garden to me since I had my foot operated on. How nice!! Always a pleasant experience. Anyway, when they were here Tasha, age 9 in October, ooohed and aaaahhed at my house, along with her mother. It's truly a girly girly home. So I told her she could come back and make tags with me whenever she wanted. She had never heard of tags but was excited to learn as it turns out. So this morning her mom called and asked if she could come over after school and...

Time for Tea!

Time for Tea!
Good morning! I love "tea parties"; although, I don't drink regular "tea." I gave it up years ago, but I do drink herbal teas now. But I thought I'd share with you my "tea party" today. How fun!!Tea parties aren't about just drinking tea; it's about rituals and traditions also. I have some Old Country Roses teacups and saucers my daughter gave me to decorate and put up for sale on ebay and I have. But I always, always drink out of a china cup. I'm a china collector - plates mostly, but we eat off of china every single meal. It isn't just for show in this house. No, sirreee. It is used every...

My First Tags - Renewed!

My First Tags - Renewed!
These are my very first tags to make! I'm so excited. I just sat down today and spread all my supplies out over 3 continents and went for it. I have to say I actually loved making them. It took me hours to do it all. I'd have to scan and then print and then cut out and then go back and scan, print, cut again. How do you women ever do it all the time?!?!I love love LOVE message boards because it is instant art in the home. Grab a frame and just start putting things you've got laying around the house for years and didn't know what to do with. I put in cute envelopes I've received, wedding invitations,...

My Foot Has Been Tagged!

My Foot Has Been Tagged!
Vickie tagged me today and I'm only a couple of hours out of surgery! LOL Anyway, I've got to use my middle name initials and only 1 word to describe me from that. I then tag people. I'm tagging Rhea, Katie and Sharon. Oh, yes, that's my very numb foot today in that new chic footwear called "shabby surgery" but I've added a pretty rose flower to kinda "jazz" it up a bit. I'm thinking when the anasthetic wears off I'm gonna be in a loooot of pain. Yoooowww!!!W - witty!!R - radicalA - aestheteY - youngThat's my story and I'm sticking to it!!...

A Bar of Soap & Grandma Juanita

A Bar of Soap & Grandma Juanita
A bar of soap, you say??? Hmmmm, now why would this chick write about a bar of soap?! Well, it is a most unusual bar of soap.My son-in-law has a grandmother, Juanita, who is in her 90th year and still travels the world. They have been to every single country in the world. They have a travel agent in the family and she gets them the most fantastic deals. I remember when Juanita was 75, she and her husband, Bill, went down the Amazon on a canoe trip. When they got back she said, "I had a marvelous time; although, I wouldn't recommend it for most 75 year old people." !! Yes, those are her exact words....
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