What in the world can you do with a small laundry room that is a passage way from the garage to the hall?! I am trying to get it to look "unlaundry." I've put some of the laundry stuff into a pink-painted wicker basket and hung one picture over the washer. But I need to do some more decorating. I've had some old redwood from the house we moved from 2 years ago. It is truly vintage redwood. It came from the fascia board and is all "rugged/ragged" looking but I love those kind of things. Imperfection is a sign of humility. I had to paint it 7 times to get the paint to stick. And I am the one that...
Hiding in plain sight?!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:51 PM
Most of you who know me know of my passion for storing in plain sight. If not, then read further down my blog and other pages also. Remember the little basket I put all my sealers, grout, Mod Podge, etc. in? Well, another thought came to me today: cover it with a beautiful scarf. I've had this scarf for about 5 years and was wondering what to do with it. Here it is.......covering up the cans of yuck!!...
Ireland #2
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 8:35 AM
Continuing with the Ireland vacation...........We were doing a car tour of Ireland - not one of those tourist guide things, which I do not like. We like the freedom of driving on our own and just catching the "local flavor." We left San Francisco, went to New York and then to London and then to Shannon to start the trip. WE arrived in Shannon; our luggage went to Austria! One of those glitches, huh. Now usually when we traveled I had a backpack with the essentials: bathing suit, extra underwear, sandals and suntan oil. Not this time. I was in heels, skirt, sweater, pantihose (!) and raincoat....
Ireland - the land of "Green!"
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 8:01 AM

Jack and I went to Ireland about 20 yrs ago in the month of February. We always wanted to go off-tourist season when we went on vacations so as to not be bothered by the crowds. I have to say Ireland is a delightful country. The people are warm and friendly and it is as green as everything you've ever heard or read about! And it rains - A LOT! That didn't bother us at all. We loved it. However, Ireland may not be the same! (She says laughingly!)At one hotel (old castle) we stayed at, I blew their electrical system. Of course, I didn't say it was ME. Ya know those "universal" plugs they sell for...
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 3:55 PM
I am a very thoughtful person. In other words, I am genuinely concerned with other people's comfort when they are in my home.I keep wool lap throws, purchased in Ireland years ago, scattered around in the winter in case they feel a chill. Every phone has a cup of pens and a note pad by it. (Actually, that is more for me to indulge my laziness! I hate looking all over for a pen and paper.) There are boxes of tissues in every single room in this house - even beside my chair. There is always something cold and refreshing to drink in case someone "just drops by" - which is becoming rarer and rarer...
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:27 PM

Since we're talking about birthdays, I thought I'd post a bit of ephemera for you. I was born during the war and my father was on a ship in the Pacific Ocean. He didn't see me until I was 18 months old, but that is what happens when men go off to war to fight for their country, our freedoms and their loves ones. This was the telegram he received several days after I was born. With this, I salute all of those brave young men and women who are fighting for my freedoms at this time. This family salutes you!! You are always in our prayers and we wish you success wherever you a...
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:19 PM

Today is my only granddaughter's birthday. She was our first grandchild and I can't tell you how much we adore her! She is 27 years old today and I want to honor her. I remember the day she was born as well as I remember her mom's birth day. She graduated from University of California Berkeley and now works for Microsoft in Redmond, Wa. The man who married her is extremely lucky. Of course, we call her "girl" or "Bratski #3" or sometimes we just refer to her as "A" or "g" when her mom and I are instant messaging!!...
Ahhhh Hawaii
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:08 AM

When I was about 4 1/2 yrs old we moved to Hawaii. I remember loving it there because we lived in quonset huts (kind of semi-circular houses) and my father built us a swimming pool out of canvas with grommets on top and rope lashed through them and tied to a wooden frame. My brother and I thought we were so cool because we were the only kids in the neighborhood with a pool. We lived very close to the ocean but the pool was the best!When we were going over to Hawaii on the ship I got seasick. However, I wouldn't tell my mom because everyone who got seasick had to get a shot! I didn't like shots...
As mundane as.............
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:32 PM

Thumbtacks!!!!!! Yep, I told you, and will probably tell you more times, that I try to incorporate everything in my life into something beautiful - even thumbtacks. These are just a few of them. But I have dozens of roses thumbtacks. Nothing, or I should say rarely anything, is mundane in my home or li...
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 8:53 AM

Mexico is my favorite vacation spot. The mexicans are a gracious and laid back people and I love going there. Well, I did until I retired. I hate flying - always have and always will. I refuse to get on a plane now. Besides I love where I am now. Maybe that comes with the territory of getting older. Above is a picture of me and Jack in Puerto and then one of just me on the beach at Mismaloya. We've been to Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta (my favorite) and Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo.In Ixtapa I was caught by a wave on the beach and almost drowned! I now have a very healthy respect for the ocean. I stay out of...
Wheelbarrows can be beautiful!!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:57 PM

A friend I know did this little wheelbarrow. Is it adorable or what?!?! I just love it, but she only sells it for "pick up" and I'm several states away. Sob sob sob..............
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 1:56 PM

Someone in a forum I belong to asked the question: Do you take your decorating to the max? Yes, of course, I do. Everything I bring into my home is for decorating (and comfort) or ends up "getting" decorated in some way. Note my little pin cushion above that I made. The only things I haven't decorated are my pots and pans and that's only because I haven't figured a way to keep the fabric or paper decals I might put on them to keep from catching fire and burning down the house! I even decaled my garbage cans! Silly question, huh?! I have decals on my doors also. One says "pantry", one says "bathroom"...
Ooooohhh, my!!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:47 AM
Shoe shopping ain't what it used to be!! We looked all over the mall today for Jack some new black loafers. Not a pair to be found in his size. As we walked past the women's shoes I just kept walking. This was his day and I just couldn't buy for me. That happened one time when we went car shopping for him. I ended up with the new car! He related the story to someone at work and even before he got to the "punch line" the guy told Jack: "So your wife ended up with the new car, right?" So funny. He just said, "Yeah, she did." He loves me!!But talk about getting your knickers in a twist?!?! After...
I love gorgeous chairs
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 7:44 AM

I love making folding chair covers for all my chairs to be gorgeous. Now, I've told you I'm into this the whole 9 yards, didn't I?! I don't do anything halfway. So this is a lovely inexpensive chair in my bedroom. Many others around house with chair covers. Anyway, that's about it for this morning. We're going shoe shopping for hubby and then he's taking me on a picnic. I wonder who'll come home with new shoes?!?! Hmmmmm..........
I love potholders!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 9:01 PM

One of the things in life we take for granted are potholders. I love them. My favorite is a cherry print one I made from scraps. I can make them better than the ones bought at WM or KMart or the dollar store. They're so thin and poorly made. I collect a few that people send me. A sweet lady named Nancy sent me 3 of the cutest I've ever seen. They are the crocheted ones above. One looks like a pair on women's undies! Too cute. But they are truly wonderful potholders and work extremely well. Maybe I'll hang them on the walls or something; my drawer is overflowing with them. I think they multiply...
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 5:50 PM

The "Ultimate Kitschy" apron. Notice the owls on it. I won this in a contest recently, and NO, it wasn't the booby prize! The lady said, "It's just so YOU." Everyone should have a bit of whimsy in their home. It makes you smile and gives your friends something about you to talk about! (laughing) If that is the worst thing they can say about you, you are truly a "ge...
My lovely bowl
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 5:42 PM

If there is a fire in my home, this is one of the first things I'd try to get out after my Mac computers. It was purchased many years ago and I just love it. It's from Italy and I protect it with my life. Okay, okay, maybe not my life! But is one of the things that give me pleasure seeing and using. And it is used almost everyday. It is the blue bowl mentioned on "My Favorite Things." What are some of your favorite thin...
My precious find
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:07 PM

Okay, so I'm addicted! Just taking another break from my daily duties.....that's what I call my housework. I thought I'd share this little treasure with you. It was left behind in a building we bought about 15 years ago. I loved it and brought it home to refurbish. It's in our bedroom as a night stand. Painted a soft coat of white, I made "new" knobs out of some vintage wooden ones by painting them and decoupaging them with roses. I put fabric in the front panels and on the top and then had a piece of glass cut to protect the top. I would not part with this for anything. It is sooooo adorable....
My style is........
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 9:38 AM

Taking a break from chores to read some other blogs.Wow! Are there some gorgeous things out there or what?!?!Friends have asked me what my decorating style is. I'd have to say that it's a bit of this:Roses and PinkShabbyTraditionalComfort!Some VintageNostalgia and ReminiscenceandME!!It's all of those and probably more. Definitely my own style. Their mouth's literally hang open when visiting and viewing my home for the first time.I make a lot of things in my home and hope to share with you here. I'm very visual and love seeing pictures. I'm sure there are some of you out there who love it also....
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 7:37 AM
Oh, and I hope you ALL know that by clicking on the pictures gives you a larger view. You wouldn't want to miss that, would you?...
Country style?
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:57 AM

The old kind of country isn't my favorite type of decorating, but the new style definitely is. Yellow and pink have always been a favorite color combination of mine. Maybe that's why I loved this country style room so much. Flowers, 2 kinds of checks, pink and yellow........yuuuummmm.......sweet, breezy curtains and BIRDHOUSES(!) It doesn't get much better, unless there was a dish of mocha fudge sitting on the table waiting for me! Hah.......
Nightime musings
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:30 AM
Lying in bed last night and this morning, I kept thinking of things I wanted to post today. Is this becoming "compulsive" or what?! Yep, I've caught the "blogging fever."I read on someone's blog a few days ago about her posting 3 times in one day. Gee, only 3 times?! I could probably post more than that. I'm loquacious even though I truly listen to and hear what people say.The last few days have been a blur with trying to get this blog set up and running and with............well, let me tell a story here......... Ya know, I love my hubby. I love all men!! Truly. AND, there's not...
On decorating
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 9:20 PM

Decorating is one of my passions - one of many! I'm a "passionate" person in that I have intense feelings about most things I do. Guess you wouldn't know anything about that, hmmmm? Know what I mean here? Loving furniture store catalogs as I do, this one had the epitome of my all time favorite living room. The catalog was lost for some time during our move a couple of years ago and I was devastated. But I finally found it. It has so many patterns in this room and I'm a "pattern" sort of woman. More pattern would be even better for me. I dream of rooms like th...
My sweet friend Holly
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:55 PM

A wonderful sweet friend did this painting as a gift to me. I am so thrilled and grateful to know Holly and have her as a friend. Her writing style is exquisite and painting is incredible. I thought you'd like to see ...
PINK! flamingoes
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 10:21 AM

I just have to show you this little pink flamingo lotion dispenser. It is the epitome of kitschy! I bought 4 and gave 2 away and put one in my bedroom and one in my guest bathroom. Everyone should have something (at least, one thing!) kitschy and something whimsical in their house. I have lots of whimsical in my ho...
Pretty shopping bags
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 7:50 PM

Isn't this a pretty bag? I use these to hang on doors around my house to drop things into - like mail or notes. Then I go around the house collecting them to bring into my office/computer room. That way I don't lose anything. It's just a handy way to sort of "organize" things without having to run from one room to another several times a d...